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«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Application of blue clay in correction of experimental arthrosis

Gushcha S., Nasibullin B., Koeva K., Hohitidze O., Pogrebny A., Oleshko A., Badiuk N., Bakholdina E., Anchev A. Application of blue clay in correction of experimental arthrosis. PharmacologyOnLine, 2021, 3: 1767–1779. Available at:


The results of complex studies of the effect of blue (Cambrian) clay on the condition of the rats’ body with experimental osteoarthritis are presented. At the 1st stage of the research it was determined that blue clay belongs to the type of glauconite, the chemical composition of the aqueous extract of clay belonging to the sulfate-hydrocarbonate calcium-sodium type with a mineralization of 0.16 g/dm3. its physico-chemical parameters were established: the mass fraction of moisture is 39.40 %, the value of volume weight is 1.70, the value of clogging with silicate particles with a diameter of more than 0.25 10–3 m, the shear stress of clay is 404.61 PA, stickiness is 1249.68 Pa. Clay’s specific heat is (2.16 kJ/(kgK)) and absorption capacity – adsorption coefficient – is (0.92). The concentration of hydrogen ions is 7.70 units pH, redox potential Eh is (+ 210 mV). In stage 2, a model of osteoarthritis of the knee joint was reproduced in two groups of white rats (n = 10 in each group). Rats of the last group at the background of the development of the pathological model received a course of applications with blue clay on the damaged limb. It is determined that the clay has a corrective effect primarily on the structural and functional organization of the joint and cartilage as a significant reduction in the knee joints inflammation, the disappearance of dystrophic manifestations and improved reparative processes in cartilage took place. At the same time, there are signs of recovery of metabolic processes: catalase activity and malonic dialdehyde content, energy supply of transmembrane transport (activity of Mg2+– Ca2+-ATP and Mg2+– Na+/K+-ATP) are normalized as well as intensity of lipid metabolism. The improvement of the peripheral blood condition was determined: the indicators of white blood and the indicators of the state of nonspecific phagocytosis were restored against the background of maintaining the indicators of red blood within the norm. Significant positive changes are observed on the part of the body’s immune response: the content of circulating immune complexes and heterophilic antibodies is restored. Restoration of phagocytosis, i. e. normalization of blood active phagocytes and indexes of their metabolic functions took place.

Conclusion. The blue glauconite clay meets the requirements for therapeutic peloids in physicochemical parameters, biological activity and justifies the possibility of their use in balneological practice and restorative medicine.




Випробувальні лабораторії інституту успішно пройшли черговий нагляд НААУ щодо дотримання вимог міжнародного стандарту. ДСТУ EN ISО/ІЕС 17025:2019

Випробувальні лабораторії інституту успішно пройшли черговий нагляд НААУ щодо дотримання вимог міжнародного стандарту. ДСТУ EN ISО/ІЕС 17025:2019 За результатами проведеного ...
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