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«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Comparison of the dynamics of changes in blood biochemical parameters depending on the used stimulator of reparative osteogenesis at different periods of bone wound healing

Pavlenko K.V., Aplevich V.M., Nasibullin B.A., Pavlenko S.V., Uvarova E.B., Gozhenko A.I., Badiuk N.S., Stepan N.A. Comparison of the dynamics of changes in blood biochemical parameters depending on the used stimulator of reparative osteogenesis at different periods of bone wound healing. PharmacologyOnLine. 2021; 2: 832-838. Available at:


Injuries and violence are a global health burden with a high economic cost to health system. To compare efficacy of several stimulators of reparative osteogenesis, complex experimental study of 120 white Wistar male rats weighing 180–200 g and aged 10–12 months has been performed. Group I, control, (n=30) included animals which were not exposed to any manipulations. Group II (n=30) consisted of rats with fibula experimental fracture. The observation of its regeneration took place without any intervention. Group III (n=30) comprised animals in which, from the second day after fibula fracture, phonophoresis with an ointment containing native bee venom, was administered. Group IV (n=30) was presented by rats with fibula fracture in which once every three days an injection of plasma enriched with platelets was performed at the fracture site. The phasing of bone fusion during fracture was accompanied by fluctuations in the activity of calcium metabolism and positively correlated with the content of PO43-, as the main conductor of Ca2+. Changes of alkaline phosphatase activity were noticed. It was proved that bee venom administration by phonophoresis, as well as the administration of platelet-rich plasma into the fracture site, accelerates the process of bone tissue regeneration. The use of both regeneration stimulants has been shown to be effective.






ПОВІДОМЛЕННЯ КРЕДИТОРІВ про реорганізацію державної установи «Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України» шляхом перетворення у ...
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