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«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Clinical and experimental substantiation of the use of bentonite suspension in the complex rehabilitation of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with concomitant non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Izha G., Dragomiretska N., Gushcha S., Plakida A. Clinical and experimental substantiation of the use of bentonite suspension in the complex rehabilitation of patients with chronic viral hepatitis C with concomitant non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Balneo Research Journal. 2020; 11(4): 472-476. doi:


Introduction. One of the most severe diffuse liver diseases is chronic viral hepatitis C (CHC) combined with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). After completing the treatment of CHC with drugs of direct antiviral action, there remains a high risk of further progression of liver fibrosis associated with the presence of comorbid pathology – NAFLD in patients. The above circumstances initiated us to search for new non-drug technologies to treat this category of patients. Purpose of the work: to study the effectiveness of use bentonite suspension in rats with a model of NAFLD and to substantiate the practicality of using bentonite in the complex treatment of CHC patients with concomitant NAFLD.

Methods: experimental, anamnestic and clinical, general clinical, biochemical, determination of the HOMA index, leptin and adiponectin levels, ultrasonographic studies of the digestive system, bacteriological examination of feces, statistical methods.

Results: According to microscopic examination, bentonite application in animals with the NAFLC model leads to a decrease in liver steatosis, restoration of bile formation and bile secretion, and protein-synthesizing liver function. In the blood, there was a positive dynamics to the restoration of energy-dependent transmembrane ion transport according to the activity of Na+/K+ -ATPase and Mg2+/Ca2+ -ATPase (in the liver tissue) and the balance of the antioxidant system (to restrain malondialdehyde and catalase activity). We examined 40 patients with CHC with concomitant NAFLD, who completed the course of antiviral therapy (AVT) and were divided into two groups. 1 (control) group (20 people) received a basic treatment complex (diet therapy, which corresponded to the Mediterranean diet, a regimen of dosed physical exertion, patients of 2 groups (20 people, the main group) additionally received a preparation based on bentonite clay inside – 10 days (1 dose three times a day) Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment was carried out one month after the start of treatment.

Conclusion: The treatment carried out in both groups was accompanied by positive dynamics in most of the diseaseʹs symptoms. But a significant advantage was observed in the second group, where the normalization of cholestatic and dyslipidemic syndromes was established, that is, the effect on the pathogenetic links of the progression of NAFLD was proved. The results obtained confirm the practicality of using the drug with bentonite in the complex treatment of CHC patients with concomitant NAFLD.




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