Державні сайти України
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«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Correction of disturbances of functional activity of the central nervous system in rats with the post-traumatic stress disorder model using remedy with a high magnesium content

Gushcha S. G., Oleshko A. Y., Bakholdina E. I., Badiuk N. S., Zabolotna I. B. Correction of disturbances of functional activity of the central nervous system in rats with the post-traumatic stress disorder model using remedy with a high magnesium content. PharmacologyOnLine, 2021, 1: 12-19. Available at:

The problem of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is becoming increasingly important, which requires research using models of PTSD in animals, which cause pathogenetically sound development of methods and means of correction of PTSD in humans. Purpose: to establish the effectiveness of the use of magnesium-containing agent in the search for a model of PTSD. 

Methods: Wistar rats on the background of the development of PTSD models receive intragastric 5% aqueous solution of balneological product with magnesium content – 0.95 g / l The functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) and emotional activity of rats, biochemical and immunological marketing pathological processes were evaluated. 

Results. Rats have been shown to improve their psycho-emotional state – signs of fear and inhibition disappear. The detoxifying and biliary function of the liver undergoes positive changes. The activity of reamination enzymes (ALT, AST) is restored, the content of total protein and the balance of protein fractions are normalized. The indicators of the leukocyte formula are restored, the content of circulating immune complexes of heterophilic antibodies is normalized. In general, the signs of systemic disorders that occur during the reproduction of the PTSD mod el disappear. 

Conclusions. The effectiveness of using a tool with a high magnesium content to adjust the development of the PTSD model has been experimentally shown.




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