Державні сайти України
Державна установа
«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

International Journal of Molecular Biology: Open Access; May 08, 2018

Physiological mechanisms of influence of table and treatment mineral waters based on the balgeneological measure “Magnesium Oil” on some systems of health organism in experiment

Gushcha SG, Nasibullin BA, Plakida AL, Volyanskaya VS

1. Ukraine Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ukrainе
2. Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine

The mini-review is devoted to modern ideas about the biological role of magnesium, the problem of its lack in the human body, and the experimental substantiation of the possibility of using mineral waters with different magnesium concentrations, obtained by diluting the balneological preparation “Magnesium Oil” (BAMO) for the purpose of improving and preventing numerous diseases in clinical practice associated with magnesium deficiency. The use of drinking water based on the BAMO leads to an improvement in the emotional state of the animals and a decrease in emotional stress. MW based on the BAMO with a magnesium concentration of 2.0g/l and 4.0g/l have a sedative effect on the emotional state of the animals and excitatory – on the individual indicators of the CNS. Mineral waters with different concentrations of magnesium exhibit different biological activity, the nature and characteristics of which make it possible to use them for medicinal purposes.



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