Державні сайти України
Державна установа
«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Nanostructural, biocolloid and physicochemical stress phenomena factors in iron aluminosilicate aqueous dispersions

Kovzun I. G., Panko A. V., Nikipelova O. M., Tsyganovich O. A., Prokopenko V. A., Oliinyk V. O. Nanostructural, biocolloid and physicochemical stress phenomena factors in iron aluminosilicate aqueous dispersions. Applied Nanoscience. 2020; 10: 2855–2866. doi:


Theoretical and experimental ideas about transformation mechanisms of iron aluminosilicate compounds of concentrated dispersions, sediments and soils are developed based on a complex physicochemical, microbiological and geomechanical researches in conditions of stress processes (natural and technogenic catastrophes). Leading significance of nano- and microstructures in stress phenomena behavior was shown, the main factors of which are geomechanical and biocolloid dispersion process and the following coagulation-condensation transformations in conditions of elastic–plastic dispersion flow. It was shown, that for iron-contained aluminosilicate dispersions with varying content of surface-active compounds and hydrated iron and silicon oxides with increasing of dispersed phase concentration and its flow, the change in dispersions viscosity in dependence of shear stress occurs in the direction of thixotropic → dilatant-rheopexic → hyperanomalous → ultraanomalous. Influence of ultraanomalous viscosity effect in iron-contained aluminosilicate dispersions on stress phenomena—mud shifts of underwater and land sediments and soils are reviewed. Recommendations for stress phenomena controlling based on detected regularities were provided using the high-dispersed technogenic sludges and waste piles of iron-silicate ore materials.



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