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«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Possible approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation services

Babov K., Balashova I., Bezverkhniuk T., Kysylevska O. Possible approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of rehabilitation services. Physical Rehabilitation and Recreational Health Technologies. 2023; 8(3): 144–153.


Purpose: the article scientifically substantiates models for assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation services to ensure the quality of provision of rehabilitation assistance in the healthcare sector at the individual level, at the level of a rehabilitation center/department/institution, and the state level.

Material & Methods: an analysis of various approaches to assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation services is presented, particularly in rehabilitation centers created, among other things, based on sanatorium-resort enterprises.

Results: the general principle of evaluating the effectiveness of individual rehabilitation of patients based on the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) is considered. Generally accepted scales are presented that can be used to determine the corresponding category of ICF domains on patients` health status for the purpose of rehabilitation. If generally accepted scales do not match the ICF domains, it is suggested that subscales be used and definitions of quantitative values be provided following the ICF recommendations. As for quantitative characteristics, mainly instrumental, functional, and laboratory, it is also advisable to reduce them to a five-level scale. Based on the expert method, rehabilitation efficiency indicators have been developed at different levels (individual, rehabilitation center/department/institution, or state), which can be applied in different rehabilitation periods. These indicators are presented in the form of “quality trees” (“efficiency trees”).

Conclusions: to quantify the effectiveness of rehabilitation, it is proposed to use a qualimetric method, in which individual performance indicators are assessed using points, and the complex indicator is the arithmetic average. The combination of principles for evaluating the effectiveness of individual rehabilitation of patients based on the ICF and the qualimetric method allows us to objectively determine the patient`s rehabilitation potential of, evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures at different levels and in different periods, and achieve short-term and long-term goals.




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