Державні сайти України
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«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Qualimetric Model for Assessing the State of the Central Nervous System of Animals When Studying the Mechanism of Biological Activity for Mineral Waters.

Kysylevska A., Babov K., Gushcha S., Prokopovych I., Bezverkhniuk T. (2022) Qualimetric Model for Assessing the State of the Central Nervous System of Animals When Studying the Mechanism of Biological Activity for Mineral Waters. In: Tonkonogyi V., Ivanov V., Trojanowska J., Oborskyi G., Pavlenko I. (eds) Advanced Manufacturing Processes III. InterPartner 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. DOI:


The article developed a qualimetric method for assessing the state of the animals’ central nervous system when studying the biological activity of mineral waters to identify them as mineral (and their further industrial packaging) or medicinal. The current «open field» method does not cover all behavioral and vegetative reactions of animals; this can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the research results and the studied mineral water classification as biologically active. A qualimetric method is proposed, in which single indicators of the state of the central nervous system of animals are assessed using 17 criteria developed by experts, and a complex indicator is the arithmetic weighted average of single indicators, which allows one to determine the level of biological activity of mineral waters quantitatively. The difference in the interpretation of the results for the study of mineral water’s biological activity of well No. 1, located in the village of Dovge, Lviv region, of the existing and developed methods is shown. In the first case, the effect of water was assessed as intensely soothing. In the second case, a moderate change in behavioral responses was observed. In comparison with the current one, the qualimetric method allows a more differentiated approach to the description of changes in the dynamics of animals’ behavioral reactions when studying the biological activity of mineral waters and assessing the possibilities of their industrial packaging.



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