Державні сайти України
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«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

The effectiveness of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy in rehabilitation of servicemen with post-traumatic osteoarthritis of knee joints

Babova I., Balashova I., Zabolotna I. The effectiveness of high-intensity pulsed magnetic therapy in rehabilitation of servicemen with post-traumatic osteoarthritis of knee joints. Acta Balneologica. 2022; 64(4): 296-300. DOI:


Aim: To increase the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation of servicemen with PTO by using high-intensity pulse magnetic therapy (НIP MT).

Materials and methods: The study design included 62 patients with PTO of stage I-III who were divided into: – control group (32 patients) received rehabilitation complex (RC) No1, which included: climatotherapy, kinesiotherapy, massage and balneotherapy; – main group (30 patients) received RC No2 with adding of HIP MT on the affected joints. The analysis of the effectiveness was performed using an algometric clinical examination, Lequesne’s algo-functional index (AFI), WOMAC, visual analog pain scale (VAS), HAQ questionnaire.

Results: It was shown reliable benefits of RC No 2: the intensity of pain by VAS decreased by 3,1 times, according to the AFI gonarthrosis was assessed as mild, the value of the total WOMAC index was 20.2% better than in control group (p<0.05). The HAQ index showed a significant improvement in 41.3% (1.5 times better than in patients of control group). During long-term observation (3 months) after rehabilitation improvement was observed in 96.6% of patients of main group.

Conclusions: The use of HIP MT in the complex rehabilitation of patients with PTO has significantly reduced the manifestations of pain, increase functioning of joints and restore combat readiness.





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