Державні сайти України
Державна установа
«Український науково-дослідний інститут медичної реабілітації та курортології Міністерства охорони здоров’я України»

Using the Specific Molarity Indicator of the Chemical Parameters of Mineral Waters in Assessing Their Biological Effects

Kysylevska A., Babov K., Gushcha S., Prokopovich I., Nasibullin B. (2021) Using the Specific Molarity Indicator of the Chemical Parameters of Mineral Waters in Assessing Their Biological Effects. In: Tonkonogyi V. et al. (eds) Advanced Manufacturing Processes II. InterPartner 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. doi:

The article presents materials on the scientific justification for the use of the specific molarity index of mineral water components in assessing their biological effects. The authors studied 18 types of mineral waters of Ukraine with a salinity of 0.14 g/l to 6.86 g/l and the content of metasilicic acid from 1.0 mg/l to 226.0 mg/l. The effectiveness of their biological action was studied by the example of an excretory function in animals (daily diuresis and glomerular filtration rate). The experiments proved that the features of the biological action of mineral waters (urination) depend on the content and ratio of all components. Microcomponents, in particular, organic substances, most affect the diuretic effect of mineral waters. An inverse relationship was established between the processes of urination and the specific molarity of chlorides and metasilicic acid. The possible biological activity of mineral waters is mostly reflected in the particular molarity of the components. Mineralization does not have a significant effect on urination; therefore, it cannot be a criterion for the differentiation of mineral waters by their biological outcome. The results make it possible to carry out the next stage of work to create methodological foundations for the biomedical classification of mineral waters, depending on the effectiveness of their biological effects.


Випробувальні лабораторії інституту успішно пройшли черговий нагляд НААУ щодо дотримання вимог міжнародного стандарту. ДСТУ EN ISО/ІЕС 17025:2019

Випробувальні лабораторії інституту успішно пройшли черговий нагляд НААУ щодо дотримання вимог міжнародного стандарту. ДСТУ EN ISО/ІЕС 17025:2019 За результатами проведеного ...
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